Businessman Mike Braun (R) won the Indiana Republican Senate primary Tuesday in a huge upset, defeating Reps. Luke Messer (R-IN, 6th) and Todd Rokita (R-IN, 4th), with 41 percent of the vote; Messer and Rokita won about 29.5 percent each.
Altogether, the three candidates spent more than $9 million on what has been called the nastiest and most expensive U.S. Senate primary. Braun, who is also a former state lawmaker, spent over $4 million of his own money on the primary race, more than either of his competitors.
He entered the race last August after Messer and Rokita had already spent months clashing and bashing each other on the campaign trail, positioned himself as a Washington outsider, and increasingly tied himself to President Trump and his policies as the primary election date grew nearer.
Braun will face Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) in the November general election.