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Meera Joshi

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that Meera Joshi will step down from the Taxi and Limousine Commission in March. Joshi also serves as chairwoman of the board of commissioners at TLC. She was appointed to the commission by the mayor in 2014 and had previously served as the commission’s general counsel. In a press release, the mayor praised Joshi’s accomplishments saying, “Under her leadership New Yorkers who use wheelchairs can get service, passengers are assured that every driver and vehicle is safe, our city has detailed records of the one million daily trips and New York City is the only place where app drivers have pay protection. She will leave an unparalleled legacy and has raised the bar for good government. I am grateful for her service.”

AMNY reports professional diver advocates are pushing for the next commissioner to have a background in economics and focus on policy.

Brian Combs

Senior Content Manager, Municipal